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November 2024 – Trust Leaders People Strategy Survey

In response to the specific requests from Trust Leaders and our member Trusts, we’re expanding our research “School Business Leader Wellbeing Index”, to also include a Trust-focused edition! This additional version of the report will focus on the current state of School Business Leaders’ mental health and wellbeing within their roles in Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs).

In October, we engaged with the SBL community to gather their thoughts and experiences regarding their mental health and wellbeing through our annual survey. As we develop this new report, we invite Trust leaders to share their insights through a quick survey. This tailored feedback will help us enhance the people strategy within MATs and strengthen support for SBLs across in the UK. We need your input to further understand a MATs current People Strategy to enhance support for School Business Leaders.

How to complete the survey:

The survey should be completed by yourself, a Trust leader (or a person whose job role encompasses such responsibilities).

It should take around 5 minutes to complete, depending on the answers given.

The survey will be live from Monday 4th November – Friday 29th November 2024.

Complete the survey here:

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